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A comprehensive database of manual handling quizzes online, test your knowledge with manual handling quiz questions. Our online manual handling trivia So Enjoy these free manual handling training material to get enough knowledge for manual handling fun quiz attempt. You will get mock test answers after Each question is multiple choice and has only one correct answer. Its just for fun and tests your knowledge on construction health and safety here in the United The supporting and transporting of a load by hand or bodily force. Any moving of objects which does not involve equipment. Lifting, carrying and lowering,Test your knowledge of Manual Handling We provide you with a list of free quizzes that cover manual handling question sections on manual handling at work. Practice Manual Handling Test 01 Q:1-Which part of your body is most likely to be injured if you lift a heavy load? Q:6-You need to move a load which is Define Manual Handling? 2. Give 4 workplace examples of where M&H takes place within your workplace? 3. M&H is driven by legislation. How would you Think you know your manual handling techniques? Try out our quiz, and test your colleagues! Not got the result you wanted? Call the team today.
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